About me


The Bipolar Architect is a real life architect and his interest in architecture started at an early age when he saw the Charlotte skyline (he hadn’t been far in life at that point) and has evolved into an on-again, off-again creative outlet to a life-long passion. He enjoys modern design and residential projects but most of his experience is in commercial projects.

He also enjoys good tunes best heard on vinyl, cooking/grilling, discovering new food, documentaries, photography, intellectually stimulating films, gardening, reading historical non-fiction/memoir’s and comics. When it comes to design, he can be a teeny tiny bit of a perfectionist but it comes from a good place. Mostly it’s due to the feeling that’s produced when he gets to see the excitement on the face of the person he created a design for when they see the final product. He imagines that it’s the similar to feeling he gets when he walks into a beautifully designed building. He does take architecture very seriously but he does try to find ways to have fun while doing it whether it’s in the form of blasting some hip hop tunes so he can practice his shoulder dancing (because he can’t regular dance) or comparing simplicity of design to Wu-Tang while giving presentations.

Currently he is not working in his chosen field as he is taking a few months off to focus on getting himself back on track. He is currently enrolled in his second graduate program and pursuing a Master of Arts Degree in History. Then hopefully when he’s ready, he will commit to a Ph.D program. He ultimately desires to become a professor just like his first childhood mentor, Mr. Paul who was a young and interesting 70 year old when they first met. Mr. Paul is responsible for his love of reading and the smell of books. He wants to have a library in his home some day, and hey, he can build one. He currently lives in South West United States.
“The bravest among us will always know heartache, because they’re brave enough to love.” – Brene Brown
He has a pup, Atticus (Ace for short) who is a psychiatric service dog trained to help him with various daily tasks, decrease anxiety, and stop being a hermit. He isn’t just a service dog, he is a friend. Oh…and he was diagnosed with Bipolar in 2015, you can read about that here.

15 thoughts on “About me

  1. Hi! Thanks for visiting my corner of the world. I love that you will be having Atticus to help you. That is phenomenal. I have a friend who has a dog that she actually trained to be able to work with someone who is schizophrenic. The dog can help the person become grounded in reality when they are picking up on things that are not of this present reality.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m pretty optimistic that having Atticus around will help. I’ve been anticipating his arrival for months now as the training takes awhile. Having some more responsibility can only help get me out of bed and other things. I joined a community garden where I receive therapy and that has helped tremendously as well but you can only watch veggies grow for so long. Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Chris,

      I look forward to reading yours as well. I skimmed over some of your post, full reads to follow, and we have a bit in common (more than just our suicide attempts). Thanks for the follow.


  2. Hi Christopher, I found your blog on OM’s Meet and Greet. Nice to meet you! I look forward to your posts. I blog on anxiety/mental health issues, and hope to inspire. Have a great week ahead! Jenny


  3. Hey there – nice to meet you. Looks like life fucked both of us up, huh? Urg. I can feel you on the brain tumor and the bipolar. Sorry about the cancer; I haven’t done that one. I’ve bopped around your blog a bit, and it’s great. I look forward to following it. We crazy writers need to stick together. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello friend
    So glad you dropped by my site to check it out, thankful you are following me. At the surface it looks like we have similar metal illnesses to manage daily. I’m following you and look forward reading your post.
    Have a great weekend.
    M (Melinda)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Chris

    Thanks for the follow! How have you been and how’s your blog doing?
    I don’t know if you know that I moved my blog to a self-hosted platform. This has prevented me from connecting with WordPress bloggers like I used to. I would still like to remain in contact with your blog. Do you have an RSS feed I can subscribe to?
    If you would still like to follow my blog, may I add you to my mailing list? I send out one email per day with all the blogs posted for the day including blogging tips. You can also unsubscribe at any time if you feel you want to stop receiving the emails. If you are happy for me to subscribe you, please send me your email address.
    Also, I created a blogger tips group to connect with all my long last WordPress blogger friends, and to help all of us to learn from each other. I would love for you to share your knowledge in the group and connect with other bloggers. Here’s the link:
    Blogger Tips Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/1601156120192716/)

    Finally, here’s a blog I thought you may find interesting:
    The Ripple Effect of Blogging

    Best regards,
    Founder of Healthy Living

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