This to shall pass …they say

Maybe in this one instance “they” were right, that I would beat cancer yet again or maybe it’s just my own mindset. Follow up radioactive iodine treatment body scan results are in and I couldn’t be more thrilled that the cancer didn’t spread beyond my neck and the simple fact that I had uptake (some people don’t have uptake at all and their prognosis isn’t so good as chemo/radiation isn’t very effective for thyroid cancer). If you’re not keen on medical jargon, basically that’s what can be said from the scan interpretation. Prior to this scan I had to endure a low iodine diet which is basically organic fruits/vegetables, potatoes with no skin, 6 ounces of fresh meat per day, no seafood, no salt, and no outside food. One has to be creative to avoid such bland foods. I don’t think I’ll eat another baked or sweet potato for months. But throw some mashed potatoes at me and I’ll surely eat it up. I’m proud to say that those two weeks are now behind me. I first became radioactive on Halloween, which I find to be very fitting, and the few days that followed were less than pleasurable to say the least. The first few hours after the big dose (163 mcg on November 2nd) were fine and I only experienced burning in my chest and my neck. My endocrinologist (thyroid doc) told me that if I felt burning in my neck that is the radioactive iodine uptaking. Said radioactive iodine is the first line and most effective treatment for thyroid cancer post thyroidectomy. Eventhough I didn’t see any uptake on the scan in my chest (yes, I had the technician show me my scan and only my neck lit up) I still feared it since I had the intense burning the day after the pills and the next morning. The burning dissipated and holy shirts and pants did the nausea begin. Two days of it actually. I can say that this nausea was by far worse than the nausea I experienced after chemo/radiation for lymphoma. After the two days, no more nausea. It was this day that I was able to leave that low iodine diet behind. I don’t even remember what my first meal was because of the simple fact I couldn’t taste anything! Radioactive iodine excretes through bodily fluids, which includes saliva so I have all these little armies of iodine left in my salivary gland. Today is two weeks post treatment and my taste is slowly and I do mean slowly coming back. This can go on for up to 6 months but I am hopeful that since there are signs of resiliency that I will only deal with this for another week or two.

It doesn’t help that I was too eager with a piping hot cup of coffee and burned my tongue in it’s entirety so what taste buds were regaining their powers, I have now fried them! Go figure.

Additionally, I was directed to piss like a girl for 7 days. I was also sworn to remaining isolated for this time period. Excuse to be a hermit, sign me up right here. With all this good news, I’m still not out of the woods yet. I will have another scan just like this one in 6 months and hopefully we will see that the radioactive army did it’s job and killed the remaining cancer cells. My endocrinologist wasn’t as pleased as I am because she wanted a clean slate to work with and being that my entire neck lit up, that means there is a lot of cancer left and I may require a full neck dissection if in 6 months the cancer isn’t gone. Then I’ll be left with an awesome ear to ear cut. That would make for a good ice breaker story though, yea? I’m almost ready to show you all my scar. I still can’t believe how good it looks. So until that next scan, I will remain optimistic. Here is the full report:


Oh, I was also able to watch a salivary gland burst as the radioactive iodine excreted via said gland. Of course I watched it, when will I ever witness that again? If radioactive iodine produced a sounds as it destroys thyroid cells, what do you think it would sound like? I have concluded that it would sound like this: paoiwefnaflkahoeihfaifhadfadf!

P.S. Today is my first day on my newly increased anti-psychotic dose. This shits good I tell you. Good for the bipolar mind. You know what else is good for my bipolar mind, the support from someone that has crossed my path recently. I’m not use to understanding and patience without overpowering frustration regarding my mental illness, well besides my psychiatrist. This was a much, much welcomed, needed, and even more appreciated. I know that one day I’ll be able to proudly say,

“that is the way that I used to be.” – John Mayer, Split Screen Sadness

28 thoughts on “This to shall pass …they say

    1. Thanks, Bradley. I appreciate the thoughts more than you know. There are many, many …millions of people who have it much worse than I so I try to not complain and always find the humor (that may be a defense mechanism of mine but it always works) in most every situation. Hope you’ve been well. I’ll catch up with your blog in the next few days.

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  1. To bad on the potato boycott.. I was going to invited you to a dinner party, but we are just doing a baked potato bar.. sorry… Maybe next time.

    Oh, and if I bumped into you at a bookstore and you had that ear to ear scar on your neck, I would so buy you a cup of coffee just so you could tell me your story … Come to think of it, you could probably get the attention of a pretty awesome girl even with that scar of yours that you have now 😉

    You should do an audio clip..I want to hear what “paoiwefnaflkahoeihfaifhadfadf” sounds like.. I can’t quite imagine it.

    So good to hear from you again.. It’s been a while. Happy you are doing well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Me? Facetious? Why Mr Architect, you know me too well…

        You know what else I know.. no sodium ketchup tastes like sh*t.. even on potatoes

        Liked by 1 person

  2. well, I suppose I should have said.. I have been told such from a very accredited source. I will not reveal my sources though. 😉 Btw, no knocking taking a pee like a girl, it is far superior than having to stand. As I am sure, you lucky duck, found out.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. i would say, you may be the perfect man every woman has been looking for.. for there would never be any need for a “please put the toilet seat down” discussion with you.

    And also- welcome to the club :p


  4. I love your optimism: “excuse to be a hermit? sign me up” and also talking about how cool your scar would be. Haha. You should have ten stories ready to go at any point in time about that scar, and change it based on who you’re talking to.

    In trying to be optimistic like you, I’ve considered naming my brain tumor. We’ve been together for a long time…I feel like I should give the dude a name. Not sure what, though. I’ll think on that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t know that you had a brain tumor …you must give the dude a name for sure. Helps you have some fun when referencing. I highly recommend it. I had a brain tumor in 2015 so if you ever need anyone to talk about it then I’m your guy. I’m not sure if yours is the evil kind (mine wasn’t) but still I’ll listen and give you advice if you desire.

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      1. Thanks. I’m glad your tumor wasn’t the evil kind. Mine isn’t either. Well, it’s not super evil (aka going to kill me). It’s just the junior kind of evil that messes with my brain and other body systems too because it’s the middle of my brain on my pituitary gland. COOL. But yeah, as long as drugs can keep it from growing, I should be okay? One step at a time with that one. Is yours gone now? I’m trying to avoid surgery if possible…if you had it, how did that go? Clearly alright since you’re still writing, lol.

        Names: I’m thinking Vladimir, Herman, Grover, or Bob (Bob could be “Bob the Brain Blob”). I’m taking suggestions if you have any. 🙂

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      2. I like simple humor, Bob the brain blog sounds perfect to me. I’m glad yours too is not the real evil kind. Kind of a like a squatter.

        I had mine removed, we thought the tumor was causing my behavior changes (nope …just Bipolar rearing it’s head) and I was having terrible headaches. Removed through my nose.

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      1. I suffer with anxiety and OCD caused by my graves disease. It’s a terrible thing to have and no one really understand unless they go through it themselves. That’s why I started my blog like other people so I could keep a diary of sorts and meet other people going through similar things xx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I don’t have that many followers, around 115 or so…I just always make sure to categorize and tag appropriate words related to post because those like us would be the ones to read them. There’s also a blogger “make yourself ultra” who has 1000’s and he has a blog to promote yours. Interacting with other blogs help also.

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  5. (I can’t reply on the other comment, so I’m continuing here…)

    Bob the Brain Blob it is! I’ll test run it for a few days and see if I like it, lol.

    And the surgeon talked about going through my nose, too! Oddly, we also talked about if my weird behavior patterns might be because of the tumor, but they were ultimately attributed to the bipolar disorder. I would be all about surgery if it could un-bipolar me. They think the tumor might have somehow triggered the development of the bipolar disorder, but who knows? It can’t be reversed now. :-/

    Was your surgery scary? Was recovery long? My last appointment showed that the tumor might be growing, so I’m a little nervous about the possibility of the surgery moving to non-optional status. Next appointment is this Thursday. :-/

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    1. The psychiatrist that sent me for an MRI after finding out I had a concussion years prior also thinks that the tumor possibly triggered my bipolar symptoms. Seems logical to me considering all of the other traumas that I experienced in that short time period.

      The surgery was successful, I had pain afterwards but it was very minimal. Felt sort of like sinus pressure/sinus headache. Recovery …just lifting precautions, no sneezing or blowing nose for one month, and no flying for a bit. I had a follow up scan and the tumor was successfully removed. I remained in the hospital for only a few days, one night in ICU to monitor drainage to ensure it wasn’t brain fluid and to receive some special med in my IV for brain swelling.

      Nervous for good reason…no one needs to go poking around on our brain. Good luck on Thursday, hope for some good news for you. I’ll be waiting to hear the update on Bob, the brain blob.


  6. Thanks! I’ve never talked to anyone who had that surgery. In the event that I need it, I’ll probably have a zillion more questions. How did you not sneeze for a month?? You can’t control when you sneeze! I guess I’ll add that to my list of a zillion questions. 🙂

    Thanks for the well-wishes. I hope Bob and I come out okay after this appointment. Well, not Bob. I’d be okay if Bob died, lol. But anyway, thanks. It was encouraging to hear from someone on the other side of this.

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    1. Luckily I’m not much of a sneezer or I don’t know what I would have done. You can hold your breath to avoid the sneeze but then that makes you bear down which doesn’t help recovering from the surgery since you’re not supposed to strain. Go figure.


    1. Thank you kindly for the inspiration. I have high hopes that everything will be in the clear and in 8 years I’ll be looking back and saying the same thing to someone that you are to me. Follow up scan or ultrasound and thyroglobulin will be this May.


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