Film Review – 5 to 7

Netflix usually has a pretty good algorithm that works to suggest films that I should be interested in based on previous ratings of past viewed films. I was a bit weary when this film came across my list as I’m not much for romance/drama but I gave it a go and I’m pleased that I did as it was time well spent. The film stars the late Anton Yelchin as Brian Bloom and the beautiful Bérénice Marlohe as Arielle. The location is current NYC, Manhattan to be exact …and is the film is a romantic story. The two spot each other and make eyes from across the street as Arielle is taking a drag off a lung smuggler and I must be honest..I’ve never found anyone smoking to be an attractive act but she pulled it off very nicely. Brian heads towards her and he lights up a cigarette as well and the story begins. The two have instant chemistry despite the age gap between the of at least a decade. He the youngest, a lad of only early twenties. Although he is very mature for such a young age and she in her mid-thirties.

Brian quite intrigued by this woman, doesn’t want the moment to end. Much to his surprise, Arielle asks him to meet her there in the same spot on Friday’s and gives him a specific time. He obliges of course. If a guy ever needed an ego boost…this was it for Brian. The invitation and chance of seeing her again left him with a silly grin on his face and on their next meeting, a date was set but Arielle informed him she is only available from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m daily. Very specific, yes? Indeed. Their first date was spent in an art museum (just my style) and afterwards, dinner. On the way to an eating establishment Brian learned the meaning behind the hours of availability given to him…Arielle was married, with little humans in fact, and I forgot to add, she is French…ahhh, there it is ..those hours are a set time when Arielle has an agreement with her husband that she is free to do what she pleases with whomever…a 5 to 7 relationship (a French thing?). I’m 34 years old and I’ve never heard of this type of relationship/affair. Brian cannot wrap his head around the idea of this and it was not what he had in mind. He tells her goodbye. She does still leave the option open for him and tells him that she will be where they met, on Fridays. It took Brian three weeks before he could see her again and then the affair began. I am not a fan of cheating, not ever, in my opinion it’s one of the most disrespectful things a person can do to another…but I didn’t mind watching their relationship evolve on screen. This was a first for me. I will say no more about their affair as it will ruin the film for you. Their romance reminds me so very much of what those feelings bring …I sometimes don’t know if I am angry that it took me three decades  to experience a romantic love (don’t get me wrong…I’m not a complete asshole…I had my fair share of infatuations mostly a brief period end of 2012ish to mid 2013ish) that I couldn’t give back to someone or does it make it that much more special? I had a few lengthy relationships that spanned from two years up to six and I never gave any of them the love back until the person who I completely revealed my whole self to and accepted my vulnerability. I didn’t know what hit me. I thought I had an idea before but I soon realized I was wrong…infatuation at its finest. Everyone should get a chance to experience the love that these two characters experienced…to be adored.

The film also has an incredible amount of phenomenal one liners. I laughed a lot, smiled even and I am not ashamed to admit that the end scene, when Arielle takes off her glove (you have to watch the film to see this…see what I did there?)… gave me the feels but I held it in because what would Ace think of me if I didn’t? Made me wonder if either of them regretted the decision that was ultimately made. It reminded me of something.

“There would be other loves. Even great loves….but only one remained perfect.”

Here’s the trailer, although doesn’t do the film justice. Give it whirl. The film is on Netflix right now as well as Showtime on-demand.

Running Time: 1 hr 35 mins

Rating: R


6 thoughts on “Film Review – 5 to 7

      1. YES! Comet. I knew is was stars or space or something…. the ol grey matter is horrible at remembering things. Thanks for telling me the name because it was driving me crazy(er). LOL

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  1. I watched this film tonight because I seem to agree with your recommendations. And I have to say this one was no different. I enjoyed this movie immensely. It was beautifully done, acting and writing. Yes, I found myself laughing out loud quite a few times as well. Thank you for the enjoyable evening.

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